
Showing posts from December, 2022

BHAJA GOVINDAM - 12. Swami Adi Sri Sankaracharya.

======================================================================== ========================================================================= Thursday, December 15, 2022. 06:00. Slokam - 12.The Stubborn Gusts of Desire (with Translation) ========================================================================= Slokam-12. (with Translation) 1 dinayaaminyau saayam praatah       = Day and night, dawn and dusk, 2 shishira vasantau punara- ayaatah; = winter and spring, again they come (and go). 3 kaalah kreedati gacchaty- aayuh    = With the play of time, life ebbs away. 4tadapi na munchaty-aashaa vaayuh.   = And yet, one leaves not the gusts of desires. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bhashyam (Vyakyanam) : The Cycle of Joy and Sorrow : 1-2 The opposites mentioned can be interpreted in two ways: i) Literally: They indicate the relentless march of Time – day ...