
Showing posts from January, 2023

BHAJA GOVINDAM - 13. Swami Adi Sri Sankaracharya.

Kedarnath : Image before inaguration : Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharta ========================================================================= Tuesday, January 24, 2023. 06:00.  Slokam - 13: Surrendering Our Worries ======================================================================== Inaguration : Slokam-13 1 kaa te kaantaa dhanagata chintaa = Why worry about wife, wealth, etc.? 2 vaatula kim tava naasti niyantaa; = O distracted one! Is there not for you the One  who ordains (rules or commands)? 3 trijagati sajjana sangatir- ekaa = In the three worlds it is the association with  good people alone 4 bhavati bhava-arnava tarane naukaa. = that can serve as a boat to cross the sea of change (birth and death). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bhashyam (Vyakyanam) : Man’s Universal Need For Support  : 1 Sri Shankaracharya now addresses the deap-seated need felt in the human psyche...