BHAJA GOVINDAM - 24. Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya.
============================================================================== Chaturdasha Manjarika Stotram PART III – Songs: 14-27 “Where Is Happiness?” ================================================================================= Tuesday 12, Mat 2024. 05:30. Song - 24: Enquiry into the Self ================================================================================ Song - 24: The All-Pervading Reality 1 tvayi mayi cha-anyatra-iko vishnuh = In you, in me, and in all other places too, there is but one all-pervading Reality. 2 vyartham kupyasi mayyi- asahishnuh; = Being impatient, you are unnecessarily getting angry with me. 3 bhava samachittah sarvatra tvam = Become even-minded – see Him everywhere 4 vaanchasy-achiraad-yadi vishnutvam. = if you want soon the vision of the Lord. =================================================================================== Self-enquiry reveals some astoundi...