"The three divine exercises for spiritual unfoldment are being indicated in this 20th slokam:- 1. the study of the Bhagavad Gita, 2. the Ganga baptism, and 3. the worship of Murari( Lord). --------------------------------------------------------/ 1. Bhagavad Gita:- Srimad Bhagavad Gita, being the essence of all the Upanisads, a study of its eighteen chapters is an intellectual discipline by which we can come to understand what exactly is the goal of life, and what are the methods by which this Goal can be gained. 2. Akasa Ganga (the heavenly Ganges) :- Flowing so high above the human intellectual approach, was brought down to man's level of experience by the continuous efforts of King Bhagiratha, and today it is emerging out from the pure intellect of Lord Siva. Ganges stands for the "spiritual knowledge"for all Bharath nivasi. 3.Murari(Destroyer of Ego):-Worship Him- Mura means ego, until it is destroyed no hope of reaching the Truth (Lor...