
1. Day and night, dawn and dusk, winter and spring, again and again come and depart. 

2.Kala chakram ( the Time Wheel) is rolling fast forward passing, never stops for anybody or anything.

3.There is nothing permanent : "things born must die and perish away only to be born again."

4.Majority men and women are greedy, amass wealth by hook or crook, do all sorts of evils for their sense gratifications, make other's life miserable, as if they are permanently living for ever.

5.Finally death snatches away everything from them, they are compelled to leave everything back here and depart, sad and tragic!

6.Life steadily ebb away, but desire grows higher and higher, body decays and become infirm, no more strength to enjoy, but hunger for sense gratification persists. 

7. Death crawls behind, disease and decay accompany them, leading to the grave.

8. Be Wise. Give up Desires. Seek the Lord....Bhaja Govindam, Bhaja Govindam.     


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