BHAJA GOVINDAM - 10. Swami Adi Sri Sankaracharyaji.



Saturday, September 24, 2022. 08:00. 
“Hammer Blows to Delusion” Composed by Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharyaji.


Slokam-10 :

vayasigate kaḥ kāmavikāraḥ śuṣke nīre kaḥ kāsāraḥ |

kṣīṇevitte kaḥ parivāraḥ jñāte tattve kaḥ saṁsāraḥ || 10 ||


Translation :

vayasigate - when the age (youthfulness) has passed, 

kaḥ - where is, 

kāmavikāraḥ - lust and its play, 

śuṣke nīre - when water is evaporated (dried up), 

kaḥ - where is,

kāsāraḥ - the lake, 

kṣīṇevitte - when the wealth is reduced, 

kaḥ - where is, 

parivāraḥ - the retinue 

jñāte tattve - when the Truth is realized, 

kah - where is, 

saṁsāraḥ - the Samsaara.


Commentary :

*When youth is gone, where is the lust and its play? When water is evaporated, where is the lake? 

*When the wealth is reduced, where are the relatives? When Truth is realized, where is the (snare of) Samsaara.

 In this sloka Bhagavan Adi Sankaracharya using the analogies of youth, water and wealth explains that when truth is realized the samasara dissolves for that person.

 As long as one is in the grip of desires, whether one is young or old, one strives to fulfil them. But, when once these desires are dried up, one is freed from all problems.


Conclusion :

*When the age (youthfulness) has passed, where is lust and its play? 

*When water has evaporated, where is the lake? 

*When wealth is reduced, where is the retinue? 

*When the Truth is realised; where is samsara?

*[Seek Govinda, Seek Govinda...) 



Next :Slokam-11.

To be continued .....



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