BHAJA GOVINDAM - 16. Swami Adi Sri Sankaracharya.
======================================================================== Chaturdasha Manjarika Stotram PART III – Slokas : 14-27 “Where Is Happiness?” ======================================================================== Monday, 15 May, 2023. 06:00. Song - 16: Fooled by Austerity ========================================================================= Swami Chinmayananda : The role of the mother is central. That is how great men of the past were made — a Shivaji, an Einstein, a Tagore, a Mahatma Gandhi. It is always the mother at home who gives the values and ideals to the child, who molds the mental thinking of the child. In molding their children, mothers have the opportunity to positively influence the mothers and fathers of the future. It is crucial for us all to recognise the importance of the mothers' role. The children of today are going to be the leaders of tomorrow. And we must supply them with a vision. Happy Mothers' Day! Tag your mother or a woman who has sha...