Nothing for Nothing:-

As an animal, man is selfish. He will not generally give without hopes of getting. 'Nothing for nothing', seems to be the law that governs nature. This being a universal law, ordinarily, even intimate relations and dear and near ones are deferential  towards the earning-saving member of the family. This has been observed at all levels of relationships---man and wife, father and son, brother and sister. In short, in all human relationships, one who is capable of earning-and-saving alone is, with due reverence, respected and adored by others around who have some hope of being benefitted  by a share of his saving!

Keeping this fundamental point in mind, Swami Sankaracharya says that one can be popular and beloved of the people around one only so long as one is capable of 'earning-and-saving'. Then alone others can make use of , or making a prey of, the 'rich'one. When his capacities decay and he comes to live in his own old infirm body all his friends and dependents leave him, as he is no more of any use to them. This is the sad way of the world.

To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Knowing this natural tendency of all comfort-loving human hearts, let the man of intelligence earn as much as he can, distribute according to his abilities, and enjoy as much as it is his deserts ----popularity, affection, consideration,  and even reverence from others. But, let him not misunderstood this to be the very goal of life. Let him earn inner peace and self-sufficiency, and let him save the inner peace and tranquility, totally independent of all the clamouring crowd around him ever trying to fatten his vanities and feed at all times his conceits!!.

This slokam warns a seeker to care himself, and divert his attention to the Lord, which only uplift him.       


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