Bhaja Govindam is one of the seemingly smaller but, in fact, extremely important works of Adi Sankara.Here the fundamentals of Vedanta are taught in simple, musical verses so that, even from early childhood, the children of the Rishies can grow up amidst the melody of Advaita. The musical rhythm in these slokams (stanzas) makes it easy even for children to remember and repeat these pregnant (with deep tattvams) verses. For an intelligent young man, a sincere study of this poem can remove all his delusions (Moha), and so the poem is also called Moha  Mudgara (Hammer).


"Grammar rules will  never help anyone at the time of death. While living, strive to realise the deathless state of purity and perfection". 

The grammar-rule that has been indicated here stands for "all secular knowledge and possessions". The import of this condemnation, that all grammar and such other secular sciences cannot save the soul, when death reaches to snatch the individual away from the limited ambit of temporary existence here in the world


Knowledge of grammar is, no doubt, necessary: it is a means to end. To understand rightly the sastra declarations, and even appreciate fully the advice of the teacher, grammar is useful. But to waste our precious lifetime in the pursuit of all these non-essentials, and never taking seriously the study of the greatest of all sciences, which alone can save man from the imperfections, is being condemned here by Acharya Sankara.

For, when death comes to erase you out of existence in this manifested world, of what use is your science to you ? While living here, man's greatest endeavour is to understand and master the secret of life, the Reality behind it, and to gain his perfect identification with it. He must be able to meet death not as a moment of utter annihilation, but as a springboard to rocket himself into an External Existence, peaceful and divine.

Bhaja means worship, Govinda indicates Vishnu, the Essence, the Atma.

Bhaja Govindam means "Seek your identity with Govinda, the Supreme" and do not waste your time in mere grammar-hunting and such other really unprofitable pursuits of secular knowledge, of worldly possessions, of ephemeral fame, and of passing joys. [to be cont--d]   


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